Shaun Varley, owner of FL Resin is making waves in the artistic sector of epoxy coatings, with his stunning resin tables, resin and wood, and epoxy countertops that resemble marble almost to an uncanny degree. Epoxy art has grown a large appreciation due to the fact that every single piece is unique, hand-made, and built to last. Epoxy countertops have grown in popularity simply because you can mimic the look and feel of stone slabs, without breaking the bank or having to renovate completely. We have been admiring Shaun's work for some time, and it was great hearing about his journey and his tips and tricks for designing incredible works of art.
How did you get started in the epoxy industry?
I got my business started in January 2021 doing mainly countertops and tables. I was on youtube looking at ideas as we were buying a new house. I did a dining table for our new house and my wife said, you should totally sell this! I wasn’t too sure about it but she listed it, and it sold in a week. By the end of 2021, it was ramping up and I was doing a lot of things for family and friends, so finally, in January 2022 I decided to make it official.
Are countertops your main specialty or do you focus on flooring?
For now just countertops, custom tables, charcuterie boards, table-tops, and conference tables for businesses and offices.
What is the secret to doing really good epoxy countertops?
I think that practice and learning is the most important aspect. Learning which pigments to put in, how much, learning which colors complement each other, and practicing how to blend colors. What I do with clients is I’ll show them what a matte or gloss topcoat looks like and let them look at it in their kitchen. Lighting affects appearance, so letting them see it in their kitchen with their own lighting gives them confidence that it will turn out how they imagine.
What's been your favorite type of project to do?
I have done a bunch of dining tables and charcuterie boards with wine corks, coffee beans, gummy bears, and gummy worms in them. The beach ocean epoxy tabletops on tables and coffee tables have been a big hit giving me a lot of custom orders. Now I’m only taking commissioned orders.
Shaun's Website: https://flresin.com/
Shaun's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/flresin
Shaun's Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/flresin/